What happened? You gotta keep holding it down or else it'll eject. That thing eats tapes like popcorn. You think your guys can digitize this so we could scan it properly? Yeah, I think we can do that.
Knives Out
You do as I say and everything will be just fine.
Knives Out
That's what it does. Always?
Knives Out
Hey, Wagner, you got any luck on...
Knives Out
I got it.
Knives Out
You not liking what he did does not speak to testamentary capacity. What about undue influence? Yeah! Undue influence, how about that? Huh? Did you just google that? Look, if Marta was manipulating Dad somehow - and if we found out... - If somehow, she had gotten... - ...that somehow she was... - ...her hooks into him... You need a strong case for that. "Your Honor, she endeared herself to him "through hard work and good humor." That won't cut the salami. What about the slayer rule?
Knives Out
Alan, there have got to be options here. No. I don't know how many times I can repeat the same two pieces of information. If Harlan was of sound mind when he made the changes, and we all confirmed that he was... Would a sound mind do this? How... Sound, how? The very action speaks to unsoundness. Not legally. No.
Knives Out
I did just google that. The slayer rule obviously doesn't apply here. Well, what the hell is the slayer rule? Well, it's if someone is convicted of killing the person, they don't get their inheritance. Not even convicted. Even if they're held responsible for their death in civil court.
Knives Out
I know it. Because I knew my granddad. Maybe you and I were the only two who knew him, so you're not gonna bullshit me on this because, two...
Knives Out
I know lying makes you puke. 'Cause of that mafia game last Fourth of July. And three...
Knives Out
Like, from here on out, I was gonna have to fend for myself.
Knives Out
And that felt... Good.
Knives Out
- What makes you think that? - I don't think it.
Knives Out
After I left the party though, I was driving. Nowhere, just in the night, and I had this, um...
Knives Out
Did he tell you anything? Only that I wasn't getting a cent. That's because he wanted you to build something from the ground up like your mom. "To build something from the ground up." Yeah, my mother built her business from the ground up with a million-dollar loan from my grandfather. My father owns none of it. She made him sign a prenup. He lives in fear. And I know that's what my grandfather was trying to protect me from by doing this and I know I shouldn't say this out loud, but when he told me, I...