Looking at it now, I can see that it's a bit much. I can take it down. No, no way. I mean, it took a second for my eyes to adjust, but I can roll with this. Look, just so you know, I'm not a total nerd. I also happen to be super into close-up magic.
Pitch Perfect
What was that? I don't know, I've never made that sound before. Yo, but with your messed up vocal cords, you could hit the bass notes.
Pitch Perfect
Took a cab. Didn't wanna inconvenience you and Sheila. How is the stepmonster?
Pitch Perfect
There he is. I'm Benji. You must be Jesse. And you must be kidding. Wow!
Pitch Perfect
Thanks. You, too. The Barden University Treblemakers!
Pitch Perfect
Ladies and gentlemen, the Barden Bellas!
Pitch Perfect
I'm Dr. Mitchell, Beca's dad.
Pitch Perfect
Yeah, you guys are the best.
Pitch Perfect
Okay. Don't forget to pick up your performance schedules. We have a gig next week. That's right. Next week. You guys, it's the Sigma Beta Theta's Annual Fall Mixer. Okay. Hands in, Bellas.
Pitch Perfect
This is college. Join in.
Pitch Perfect
That should really be a lesson to everyone. If you sing the same boring, girly shit every year, you will blow chunks. All over the place. Vomit everywhere. My fellow a-ca-people.
Pitch Perfect
One, two, three, four...
Pitch Perfect
Too far. You think? Yeah. Should I have done another trick? No, I think your trick was fine. I just think the talking was a little weird. Maybe you can try to Facebook message him.
Pitch Perfect
Boo! The Barden Bellas went deep into the archive for that song, John. I remember singing it with my own a cappella group. And what group was that, Gail? The Minstrel Cycles, John.
Pitch Perfect
Okay. Chloe, are you okay to take the lead? Yeah.
Pitch Perfect
Yeah, look at the black one with the white sock. It's making a statement. There's no craft there. Watching them will make you worse.
Pitch Perfect
Pitch Perfect
See, I guess I'm just not really living if I'm not being 100% honest.