- Look. Got something made for you. - You didn't! - Come on. All right, all right. - Enough. Enough. New assignment.
21 Jump Street
There are good guys out there who aren't assholes like me.
21 Jump Street
You two sons of bitches are going to college! - Yes! - No!
21 Jump Street
Put her there, partner.
21 Jump Street
Check around for a gun or something, all right? Where? Where? There's no glove compartment in this shitty-ass car! There's golf balls and this. - What am I supposed to do with this? - I don't know, man! I've never been in a freeway chase before!
21 Jump Street
I just want to make sure that you and Eric are going to be careful with whatever it is that you're getting involved in.
21 Jump Street
New person. Mr. Texty Texty. Since you have so much to say to Molly, let's see if you can be Peter to our Wendy. You look like you might have a little Peter inside of you.
21 Jump Street
Hey, you got a gun. Why don't you shoot back there? Shoot that gun, shoot that gun! All right, one second! Just shoot someone, you bitch!
21 Jump Street
All that stuff I wore, like the bracelets, the rings, the tight pants, was just so that people would think I'm cool.
21 Jump Street
Man, this kid rules. Ruled. His parents found him OD'd in his room a few days ago. He's dead.
21 Jump Street
Cut your fucking fingernails!
21 Jump Street
21 Jump Street
You weren't shooting, you were choking, - so I had to save us. - I was going to shoot. - You always do this, every single time. - What? Seriously, just take me back to school, man. If I miss this play, Molly's going to freak out and she's not going to go to prom with me. - Are you fucking serious right now? - Fuck, yes, I'm serious!
21 Jump Street
He's got a gun! I'm going to throw this thing at him! Okay, you don't have to narrate everything! - Just throw it! - Okay! Okay, okay!
21 Jump Street
What? You little turds. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to infiltrate a gang like this?
21 Jump Street
All right, all right, we're good. We're good. We're good, man. We're good. We're good, baby.
21 Jump Street
- Which way is yearbook? - I don't know. - Is it this way? - I don't know!