- Him, too. - No, no! Hey, wait! No, no, no. Listen, I'm with you guys! I didn't know these guys were cops! I'm getting out of here. I fucking hate you! Get that out of my face! - Molly! - Oh, there you are!
21 Jump Street
I was in a French fry commercial when I was a kid, so people are like, you know, often say, "Oh, I think I know you," but I don't think we've ever met before. Do I look like I eat French fries? I don't know, you look like you're in great shape, but maybe you have, like, one cheat day, like a carb blowout, you know? I don't know. Nah. Yeah, the theme song was, like...
21 Jump Street
I know sometimes I was a jerk to you when we were undercover.
21 Jump Street
I'm just fucking with you.
21 Jump Street
21 Jump Street
The doctor thought I was gonna spontaneously grow a vagina.
21 Jump Street
Well, I'm 18 years old, and my mom still packs a lunch for me every day. There was this one month where she bought me 43 stuffed animals.
21 Jump Street
No, it's just, you know, I don't like when guys are mean to girls. Yeah. Well, thanks.
21 Jump Street
We just have to do something wildly irresponsible to earn their trust. You saying we should throw a party?
21 Jump Street
I never got any stuffed animals growing up. Wait, actually, that's not true. I did. My dad gave me a stuffed puppy the day he bailed on us.
21 Jump Street
I didn't, though, just to be clear.
21 Jump Street
Good. You could use it. You're pretty far behind, so...
21 Jump Street
What the fuck is going on? Shut this kid up!
21 Jump Street
New person. Mr. Texty Texty. Since you have so much to say to Molly, let's see if you can be Peter to our Wendy. You look like you might have a little Peter inside of you.
21 Jump Street
All right, all right, we're good. We're good. We're good, man. We're good. We're good, baby.
21 Jump Street
21 Jump Street
What? You little turds. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to infiltrate a gang like this?