Miss Johnson. Lunch today? I'll have to check my calendar, perv...Pete.
American Pie Presents: The Book of Love
So, are you getting close with Dana yet? The rumours are true. She's taken the pledge. No sex? She was your sure thing. - Faith-camp propaganda, man. - NATHAN: She's waiting until marriage. I thought she had sex with six guys.
American Pie Presents: The Book of Love
ROB ON PHONE: No, no, no, Frizzy! No! Don't worry about it, man. Everyone's got a sex tape. Please. Yeah, except they're having sex with people.
American Pie Presents: The Book of Love
So, I was thinking about what we were talking about, you know, before.
American Pie Presents: The Book of Love
- (GRO ANING) Frizzy. - Right. It's not technically incest if your family member's a different species.
American Pie Presents: The Book of Love
Well, I've seen worse.
American Pie Presents: The Book of Love
American Pie Presents: The Book of Love
- Go away. - I didn't. l... I don't wanna see your face right now.
American Pie Presents: The Book of Love
STIFLER: Hey, where are you going? This was a horrible idea.
American Pie Presents: The Book of Love
Get to class.
American Pie Presents: The Book of Love
- Really? - Yeah.
American Pie Presents: The Book of Love
No, no, no, Frizzy! No!
American Pie Presents: The Book of Love
Bend your knees. Next time you spank it, sit Indian-style. You won't come, not in a million years. MAN: Our sex organs are like musical instruments. Sure, you can have any technician blow on your horn, but to place your instrument into the hands of a true expert? That, my young friend, is true harmony. NOAH: Guys don't talk to each other because they view each other as competitors, which I think is crazy. You know? Because men need to help each other and work together to get laid.
American Pie Presents: The Book of Love
You shouldn't...You shouldn't... It's my phone. Don't read my phone. What's this supposed to mean? "Give her a dose of manthrax"? Well, I don't...What does that... I don't know what that... Do you know what that means? "I'm getting laid"?
American Pie Presents: The Book of Love
Hey, Rob.
American Pie Presents: The Book of Love
NATHAN: The truth is, yes, I was trying to pressure you, because I really, really wanna have sex. But I really wanna have sex with you.