- Whoa! - Aah! No! I didn't come this far to be breakfast!
Finding Nemo
Ha ha ha! We're alive!
Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo
- Group hug. - We're all mates here, mate. I can't read human. We got to find a fish that can read this. - Hey, look, sharks. - No, no, no, Dory! - Guys, guys. - No, Dory. That's mine. Give it to me. Gimme! Ow! Oh, I'm sorry. Are you OK? - Ow, ow, ow. - I'm so sorry. You really clocked me there. Am I bleeding? - Ohh. - Ow, ow, ow. Dory, are you OK-Ohh. Ohh, that's good. Intervention! - Just a bite. - Hold it together, mate! Remember, Bruce, fish are friends, not food! - Food! - Dory, look out! - Aah! - I'm having fish tonight! Remember the steps, mate! Aah! - Aah! Whoa! - Aah! - Just one bite! - Aah!
Finding Nemo
Right, then. The meeting has officially come to order. Let us all say the pledge. I am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine. If I am to change this image... I must first change myself. Fish are friends, not food. Except stinkin' dolphins. Dolphins. Yeah. They think they're so cute. Look at me. I'm a flippin' little dolphin. Let me flip for you. Ain't I something? Right, then. Today's meeting is Step 5- Bring a Fish Friend. Do you all have your friends? Got mine.
Finding Nemo
He says it's time to let go. Everything's gonna be all right. How do you know? How do you know something bad isn't gonna happen? I don't!
Finding Nemo
Wait! Come back! Stop! Dory, keep going! He's crazy! I got something to tell you!
Finding Nemo
Look! Sy-d-ney-Sydney! Sydney! Sydney again!
Finding Nemo
Oh, no. Bruce? What?
Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo
- Hey, guess what? - What? Sea turtles-I met one. And he was 150 years old. -150? - Yep. Sandy Plankton said they only live to be 100. Sandy Plankton? Do you think I would cross the entire ocean... and not know as much as Sandy Plankton? - Ha ha ha! - He was 150! Not 100! Who is this Sandy Plankton who knows everything?
Finding Nemo
Nemo? It's OK. Daddy's here. Daddy's got you.
Finding Nemo
- Oof! - Hey! - Dory! Where's Nemo? - There!
Finding Nemo
Keep swimming!
Finding Nemo
Oh, no. Nemo!
Finding Nemo
Wow. The big blue. What's it like? - Big and blue? - I knew it. If there's anything you need, just ask your Auntie Deb. Or if I'm not around, you can talk to my sister Flo. Hi. How are you? Don't listen to anything my sister says. She's nuts. Ha ha ha ha! We got a live one. - Can't hear you, Peach. - I said we got a live one. - Boy, oh, boy. - What do we got? Root canal-and by the looks of those x-rays... it's not going to be pretty. Ow! - Dam and clamp installed? - Yep. - What did he use to open? - Gator-Glidden drill. He seems to favor that one lately. I can't see, Flo. You're getting a little too-Aah! Now he's doing the Schilder technique. He's using a Hedstrom file. That's not a Hedstrom file. That's a K-Flex. It has a teardrop cross-section. Clearly a Hedstrom. - No, no, K-Flex. - Hedstrom. - K-Flex! - Hedstrom! There I go. A little help, over here. I'll go deflate him.