Look at that. Wow! Does that thing really fly in outer space? It most certainly does. Sure doesn't look like it. Hey, they're here. All right, Connie, what's this all about? I have no idea. Get everybody off of it. All right, everybody, clear the platform. Let's go. Come on, come on. Major Mitchell, do you have a pistol? - What? - You got a gun? Sergeant, your sidearm.
Independence Day
They have confirmation. Launch code confirmed. Alpha Zulu 6-8-9er. Standing by.
Independence Day
Major? Yes, sir. Radar reception has been impaired, but we were able to get these. And we estimate that it has a diameter of over 5 50 kilometers and a mass roughly 1/ 4 the size of our moon. What the hell is it? A meteor? No, sir. Man: No. Definitely not. How do you know? Well, sir, it's... slowing down. It's what? It's, uh... it's slowing down, sir.
Independence Day
Hello. Hi. It's me. Hi. What time is it there? It's 2:45 in the morning. I know I didn't wake you. As a matter of fact, you did. Liar.
Independence Day
If this isn't an insanely beautiful woman, I'm hanging up. Sir, I--I--I think you should listen to this.
Independence Day
Jim, wake up. We got work to do. Get everybody down here right away. What?
Independence Day
You got bigger, I think. I did? Mm-hmm. Just keep growing and growing. I can't...
Independence Day
It's coming from the moon.
Independence Day
Independence Day
Aah! Aah.
Independence Day
Good morning, Lucas. You see these? I got a whole god damn crop full of these. If your father's not in the air in 20 minutes... I'm getting someone else.
Independence Day
Radio: Station WXBY out here in Brooklyn. Radio: Station WXBY out here in Brooklyn. The temperature is 95 degrees in Central Park. What it is here in the borough, God only knows. Let's go to NickJones. He'll give us a traffic report to the beaches... So why are you waiting? Hmm? My social security will expire, you'll still be sitting there. I'm thinking. Yeah, well, think already.
Independence Day
They're not attacking your policies. They're attacking your age. " Whitmore seems less like the president and more like the orphan child Oliver asking, 'Please, sir, I'd like some more.'" That's clever. Yeah, well, I'm not laughing. Age was never an issue when you stuck to your guns. You were thought of as young, idealistic. Now the message has gotten lost. It's just too much politics. It's too much compromise. Isn't it amazing how quickly everyone can turn against you?
Independence Day
It's a fine line between standing behind a principle and hiding behind one. You can tolerate a little compromise if you're actually managing to get something accomplished. Well... the Orange County Dispatch has voted you one of the 10 sexiest men... of the year.
Independence Day
Good morning, George. Good morning, Mr. President. That game couldn't have been pretty. Ha ha. Thank you, sir.
Independence Day
That's the problem. They elected a warrior, and they got a wimp.
Independence Day
Sir, we're looking at a total radar blackout over a 13 kilometer area. Let's do a diagnostic check-- Excuse me, sir. The radar may be malfunctioning, but the infrared is totally off the map.