Doug is my insurance. He stays with me. You don't give me Chow, I blow his brains out. You go to the cops... ...I blow his brains out. That's insane! We don't even know where the fuck he is! No one does. But I figure the wolf pack has the best chance of finding him. You have three days. Get to work. Can you take Stu instead? Fuck you, Alan.
The Hangover Part III
Dry desert air.
The Hangover Part III
Mom. Alan.
The Hangover Part III
You shoot Phil, you gotta go through me. What?
The Hangover Part III
You know, I meant to tell you earlier, that's a really cool vest you got on.
The Hangover Part III
Go ahead, chief.
The Hangover Part III
The Hangover Part III
A what?
The Hangover Part III
The Hangover Part III
- Hey, what's up, little man? - Hey. - Why don't you guys take a seat? - Yeah.
The Hangover Part III
Whoo! Oh, my life is great! I have a wonderful life!
The Hangover Part III
3.7s father and I were extremely close.
The Hangover Part III
Wow, rough day. - Yeah, how's Tracy doing? - Not great. Her mother's totally on the edge, and if all this weren't enough... ...apparently Alan's been off his meds for almost six months. Oh, boy. Yeah, it has not been pretty. - Then there's the whole fucking giraffe thing. - I thought that was pretty funny. - What? - Come on. He killed a giraffe. Who gives a fuck?
The Hangover Part III
Mother, Oreo smoothie, now!
The Hangover Part III
And that's Blanca. Blanca's been with us since Alan was a baby. - Hello. - Hello. And this is Timothy. Timothy lives across the street. He and Alan swim together.
The Hangover Part III
Oh, wow. Look at the giraffe. Oh, my God. Where do you think it's going?