Good. See? It works. It's not like... I don’t know what I'm doin'. Take it easy. I've called the paramedics. Just stall, and then get out of the way when they get there. OK? All right. Excuse me, darlin'. Let's close these, OK? You don't want your business wavin' all in the air. Oh, no! Don't! - I said close 'em! - They don't close! Well, then, maybe that's how you got this way in the first place! - Get this baby out of me! - Where is she? - Just breathe, sweetie. - Thank God you're here. Listen, child. You do what the paramedic says. OK? Big Momma gonna be in the kitchen... bakin' up a storm. - Bakin'? - Paramedic? Nolan is a security guard at the lumberyard. Head security guard. I got two men and three dogs workin' up under me. How you doin'? I'm Nolan, Ritha's brother. - Paramedics? Is something wrong? - No! I knew it. I told you this senile old hag was gettin' too old to be doin' this. Who are you callin' senile? You wanna step outside? Look, I took CPR. Can't be too much harder than that.
Big Momma's House
Oh, Hattie baby... Ben, I swear, if I see your shaboinker, all hell's gonna break loose.
Big Momma's House
And when that day happens, - won't it be a happy day? - That's your song.
Big Momma's House
What you gonna do, Grandma?
Big Momma's House
What was he like?
Big Momma's House
Two hundred, or this transaction goes real bad, real quick.
Big Momma's House
No, no, no! Big Momma don't know nothin' about no drugs.
Big Momma's House
You didn't know Big Momma knew that move, did you?
Big Momma's House
No. No, I'm the... You got me. I am busted.
Big Momma's House
This morning, we're havin' church!
Big Momma's House
Be patient.
Big Momma's House
Pull it.
Big Momma's House
Big Momma's House
Yes, sir. I understand, sir. Oh, no. Sure, I can handle him. Yeah. Don't you worry. He knows exactly what he's doing. Bye. - What the hell are you doing?. - Don't start. No, Malcolm, I loved the little Jerry Maguire moment with the kid. That was very touching. It might make it a little awkward when it's time to arrest her, but...
Big Momma's House
Somethin' like that. Sherry, you know that old boyfriend you had, who got in trouble?