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You know, when I called you the other day, I didn't think you'd even wanna talk to me. Why would you say that, Sherry? Well, it's been a long time since we've talked, and I'm not a little girl any more.

Big Momma's House

Be patient.

Big Momma's House

That's right. It was Hattie Mae Pierce.

Big Momma's House

Well, I think that only works with fireflies.

Big Momma's House

- Who's he? - Oh, Big Momma. That's Trent, my son. You haven't seen him since he was a baby. Oh, yeah. Trent! Hi, Trent. - Say hi. - I should've known just by lookin' at him.

Big Momma's House

Sherry... Now you gonna have to tell me what's goin' on. - Everything, Sherry. - I can't. I'm beggin' you to trust me. I mean... you can trust your Big Momma, can't you? - Now, who's this Lester? - I thought I was in love with him. He stole my keys. He got into the vault. He shot two people. He must have hid the money in Trent's locker before they arrested him. Are you saying you didn't know anything about the money? What about that big bag you had the other day, Sherry? What about the phone call you made in town?

Big Momma's House

How about we take a little walk down to the park?

Big Momma's House

Look at her. She's somethin' else.

Big Momma's House

Big Momma? Big Momma, you okay?

Big Momma's House 2

Whoa. Whoa! Oh! Okay, this explains so much.

Big Momma's House 2

Look at em.

Big Momma's House 2

- Hello, Bob. Sherri. You-You shouldn't even be back here. - Where is he? - How could I possibly know? Oh, come on, Bob. He's got a locator. Every agent has one implanted in their phone. That is a silly, outrageous- - How did you know that? - Bob... I am eight-and-a-half-months pregnant. My feet are swollen, and my back is killing me. I have peed 52 times today, and you don't even wanna know what's going on with my nipples. - Can I at least guess? - Bob, if you don't tell me where he is... - right now- - Okay.

Big Momma's House 2

- Oh, shit. - Oh, man.

Big Momma's House 2

You've gotta be kidding me.

Big Momma's House 2

But, uh, were not through, are we? No, were not. I'm afraid his contract had a 'no loose ends' clause. No. No, no, no. Please listen. Please. Look, I promise I wont say anything. I swear. I won't say anything. - What is that?

Big Momma's House 2

- Your man? - That's right. My man. - She stole her man. - Big Momma stole your man? Is that true, Big Momma? Uh, maybe. Um, but I know I gave him back. I clare, I never knew what Ben Rawley saw in you anyway. You cant help it if you're ugly... but that don't mean you gotta go out. And besides, you look like you packed on a few pounds over the years. - You watch your mouth when you talkin to me! - Ladies, ladies. - You don't know me! - Please! Would you take your seat over there, please? Malcolm, Malcolm, listen to me. You are not Big Momma, okay? You are a highly trained field operative, and you do not throw down with a 65- year-old woman! - That would be cool to watch. - You know what? My momma raised a lady. Oh, no, she didn't. She raised a heifer! - Now, wa- - Oh! - Damn! - Ow! - Oh! - Oh!

Big Momma's House 2

Yeah, I'll be right down. What? Tom, no. Your son just spoke his first words. - Tell your boss you cant come in. - I don't have a choice. Well, fine. Were gonna stay here and keep playing though. - Suit yourself. - Malcolm, we still don't have the password. You've gotta get it, and you gotta get it now. Mr. Fuller, wait. Can you carry me to prayer meetin'? It's at that church right by your office. Church by my office? Are you sure? I think I know my own church! No, no, no. Hey, we gotta follow in the van. - What are we gonna do about all these dogs? - Well bring 'em back in an hour. Just tie em down or something, and let's go. - Oh, God. - Oh! Ew! Who was that? Was that? Mona? Mona, was that you?

Big Momma's House 2

Okay, uh - Oh. Oh.

Big Momma's House 2