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Rex! King! Duke! Boss! You made it! - What happened to you? - I took a bath. - What? He's got soap? - Just a little. You're too fluffy. - We played fetch. - With a stick? With a hunk of rubber radiator-tubing. And you brought it back to him? Yeah. He's a good boy. Don't you tell me that! I'm the one that tried to make you be loyal to him, in the first place. Stop. Stop! This is the rendezvous. Where's that trash-tram taking you? You think we booked this ride through a travel agent? We were fighting for our lives in a high-velocity trash-processor while you were getting scrubbed and brushed. - Jump! - Where? - Here! - When? - Now! - Why? - What? - Let's take a vote. All in favor of jump...

Isle of Dogs

No, the ear-piece is how I receive my commands and instructions and so on. Obviously, I'm privy to certain sensitive information due to my position in the mayoral-household at Brick Mansion. Oh, so you mean somebody could be talking to you right now? Well, the range is only about 75 feet or so, I guess, so... Battery's probably dead, anyway. I got a question for you. How much money do you think the mayor makes? I can't tell you that. That's highly confidential. Um, anyway, I'm not the mayor's accountant's dog. That's Butterscotch, and she got crushed in a glass compactor the day before yesterday. No, my duties are, uh, focused entirely on the protection of the mayor's ward, Atari. I'm not supposed to be his friend, but I love him very much, but that's a private matter. Um, the only reason I even said that was because we're all probably going to die out here and I'll never see him again.

Isle of Dogs

My pale blue star My rainbow, how good it is to know you're like me Strike me with your lightning Bring me down and bury me with ashes I won't hurt you I won't hurt you I won't hurt you I won't hurt you Cold up here tonight.

Isle of Dogs

I don't think I can stomach any more of this garbage. - Same here. - Words out of my mouth. I used to sleep on a lamb's-wool bean-bag next to an electric space-heater. That's my territory. I'm an indoor dog. I starred in 22 consecutive Doggy Chop commercials. Look at me now. I couldn't land an audition. I was the lead mascot for an undefeated high-school baseball team. I lost all my spirit. I'm depressing. I only ask for what I've always had: a balanced diet, regular grooming, and a general physical once a year. I think I might give up. - What, right now? - Right now. There's no future on Trash Island. You heard the rumor, right? About Buster. - Not sure. - Can you remind me? Who's Buster? Uh, my brother from another litter. - What happened to him? - Suicided. Hanged himself by his own leash. - Hmm. - Oh, boy. I want my master. Ah... You make me sick. I've seen cats with more balls than you dogs. Stop licking your wounds! You hungry? Kill something and eat it. You sick? Take a long nap. You cold? Dig a hole in the ground, crawl into it, and bury yourself. But nobody's giving up around here, and don't you forget it, ever. You're Rex! You're King! You're Duke! You're Boss! I'm Chief. We're a pack of scary, indestructible Alpha Dogs. You're talking like a bunch of house-broken... pets. You don't understand. Uh, how could you? You're a...

Isle of Dogs

The black owl has a message.

Isle of Dogs

I'll spell it out. I believe Municipal Dome propaganda has deliberately stoked irrational, Anti-Dog fear and suppressed a medically proven Dog-Flu treatment in order to promote a secret campaign to turn the country against its innocent house-pets. There. I said it.

Isle of Dogs

Those are the cons. You heard the rumor, right? About The Little Pilot. - Which rumor? - What is that? Kobayashi is his distant uncle. He's the mayor's ward. - What? - Whoa. Be that as it may, let's look at the pros. That boy flew here, all alone, and crash-landed onto this island for one reason; one reason only: to find his dog. To the best of my knowledge, no other master, not one single human master, has made any effort to do that. They've forgotten all about us.

Isle of Dogs

Science-Party Candidate Professor Watanabe has been placed under house-arrest today at Toho Mountain Ryokan after offering sharp criticism last night of the Kobayashi Administration's Canine Saturation-Crisis policy: Foreign-exchange student Walker.

Isle of Dogs

I wouldn't bring puppies into this world.

Isle of Dogs

I wouldn't drink that, if I were you.

Isle of Dogs


Isle of Dogs

I thought you knew all about me. No, I don't know anything. I should've kept my mouth shut. It's all hearsay. Anyway, you're Nutmeg.

Isle of Dogs

I think I'm going to say good-night. Wait, wait, wait. No. Wait. Start over. Who cares about Felix? I'm Chief. That's my name.

Isle of Dogs

No, you can't ride the Pagoda-Slide. You're below the safety-limit, anyway. Let's go.

Isle of Dogs

The wrong dog died!

Isle of Dogs

So you do know me, after all.

Isle of Dogs

Major-Domo is accusing the mayor of breaking his campaign promise! He's steaming mad!

Isle of Dogs

This landslide re-election is a massive fraud, and we demand a re-count!

Isle of Dogs