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Let's take a vote. All in favor say "Aye". - Aye. - Nay. Who's the nay-sayer? - Him. - Me.

Isle of Dogs


Isle of Dogs

I have a hunch.

Isle of Dogs

I was bred as a show-dog. I was groomed for that purpose. It wasn't my choice. I don't consider it my identity. Anyway, look around. What difference does it make now?

Isle of Dogs

Those are the cons. You heard the rumor, right? About The Little Pilot. - Which rumor? - What is that? Kobayashi is his distant uncle. He's the mayor's ward. - What? - Whoa. Be that as it may, let's look at the pros. That boy flew here, all alone, and crash-landed onto this island for one reason; one reason only: to find his dog. To the best of my knowledge, no other master, not one single human master, has made any effort to do that. They've forgotten all about us.

Isle of Dogs

I'll spell it out. I believe Municipal Dome propaganda has deliberately stoked irrational, Anti-Dog fear and suppressed a medically proven Dog-Flu treatment in order to promote a secret campaign to turn the country against its innocent house-pets. There. I said it.

Isle of Dogs

Apparently, I bit him so hard, I nearly chewed his hand off.

Isle of Dogs

We know the animal you seek.

Isle of Dogs

That night, an old woman, she must've been the grandmother brought me out a bowl of some homemade hibachi-chili. I like to think she cooked it for me, personally -but who knows? Maybe it was just more left-overs. But... You've got a tick.

Isle of Dogs

I've lost all of my pride I've been to paradise and out the other side Part Two: "The Search for Spots." With no one to guide me Torn apart by a fiery wheel inside me An untouched diamond That's golden and brilliant without illumination Your mouth's a constellation The stars are in your eyes I'll take a spaceship and try and go and find you The Middle Fingers of Trash Island wind and weave up-river, inter-stitched by zig-zagging pipe-lines and rusty viaducts. The ruins of a failed utility-complex washed-out by tsunami. The rubble of an abandoned power-plant demolished by earthquake. The remains of a deserted industrial estate destroyed by volcanic blast. I won't hurt you I won't hurt you I won't hurt you I won't hurt you The Old Trash Island Athletic Club, member-less and long-forgotten. Okay, I got a question. What's your favorite food? A double-portion of Doggy Chop from the can mixed into a bowl of broken Puppy Snaps with a vitamin crushed up into it. King's the spokes-dog for that. He's the Doggy Chop dog. - Mmm. Used to be. - Was that your daily meal? Not always. My master was a school-teacher. We weren't rich, you know. You? A center-cut Kobe rib-eye, seared, on the bone, with salt and pepper. Wow. It was my birthday supper. Every year. Mine's hot-sausage, yakitori-style. The snack vendor always saved me one on game-days. - Hmm. Duke? - Ah, green-tea ice cream. My master had a sweet-tooth. I probably inherited it from her.

Isle of Dogs

Somebody is up to something.

Isle of Dogs

What happened after that? I dug my way out by morning, jumped on the back of a dump-truck, and hitched back to Megasaki. I was always a street-dog, let's face it.

Isle of Dogs

As you know, we all hate dogs. Chairman Fujimoto-san, President of Kobayashi Pharmaceutical. You secretly introduced mega-quantities of infected fleas and contagious tick-larvae into a metropolitan city center, creating an unprecedented animal-disease out-break. Thank you. General Yamatachi-san, Commander of the Megasaki Municipal Task force. You oversaw the deportation of over 750,000 caged-animals to a nearly uninhabitable off-shore refuse-center. Good work. Supervisor Kitano-san, Director of Kobayashi Robotics. You developed the most promising artificial life-form in the history of corporate-technology, and a powerful new weapon, to boot. Well done. Yakuza Nakamura-san, Head of the Clenched-Fist Gang. You eliminated all Pro-Dog opposition through the use of bribery, extortion, intimidation, and violent force. My compliments. Brains have been washed. Wheels have been greased. Fear has been mongered. Now we prepare for the final stage of our conspiracy-theory: the permanent end to the Canine Saturation-Crisis.

Isle of Dogs


Isle of Dogs

Oh, I'm full-grown, sweetheart. You don't have to worry about me.

Isle of Dogs

Thank you, Editor Hiroshi. You all know me. I speak my mind, and sometimes that ruffles some feathers. Please, forgive my bluntness. Mayor Kobayashi is a crook, and I hate him. Right now, he faces a divided congress during a hotly-contested re-election year. Dogs are dying on a miserable island. Gullible masters have been brainwashed. The Science-Party Candidate is being held against his will with no recourse to legal counsel.

Isle of Dogs

I've been hunted by dog-catchers all my life. I'm not easy to trap. I've only got three captures on my record where I actually got sent to the pound, I mean, and the first two times, I escaped within 24 hours, but the third time... I got adopted before I could finish digging the break-out-tunnel. It was a big family. Five kids. Two other dogs, already. They stuck me in the back of a station-wagon and drove me out to the middle of the sticks. Grass, trees, swimming pool. Cartoons on TV. Anyway, one morning a week later, the youngest boy, his name was Toshiro, woke me up at 6:15, bright-eyed, wide-awake, and he tried to pet me.

Isle of Dogs

Oh. I can picture it.

Isle of Dogs