Who turned the lights off? It used to be that when I came home angry or depressed, l�d just clean my condo, polish my Scandinavian furniture. I should've been looking for a new condo. I should've been haggling with my insurance company. I should've been upset about my nice, neat flaming little shit. But I wasn't. The basic premise of cyber-netting any office is make things more efficient. Monday mornings, all I could do was think about next week. Can I get the icon in cornflower blue? Absolutely. Efficiency is priority number one, people, because waste is a thief. I showed this already to my man, here. You liked it, didn't you?
Fight Club
Lay him down! Gunshot wounds comin' through! Clear some fucking room! What happened?! What happened?! We were on assignment. We were supposed to kill 2 birds with one stone. Destroy a piece of corporate art... Operation Latte Thunder, go.
Fight Club
I hadn't slept in 4 days. Absolutely. We'll just let that dry. When you have insomnia, you're never really asleep... and you're never really awake.
Fight Club
Leave her with me, get your stuff, I'll meet you downstairs. Are you sure? Yes, I'm sure.
Fight Club
OK. Now let's partner up. Pick someone special to you tonight.
Fight Club
No, I mean, uh... It's OK.
Fight Club
Fight Club
OK, quick, we gotta get rid of the evidence. We gotta get rid of this body! Bury him. What? Take him to the garden and bury him. Come on, people! Let's go! Hey, get the fuck off! Get away from him! What are you talking about? This isn't a fucking piece of evidence, this is a person! He's a friend of mine, and you're not gonna bury him in the fucking garden. He was killed serving Project Mayhem, sir. This is Bob. But sir, in-in Project Mayhem we have no names. No, you listen to me. This is a man, and he has a name. And it's Robert Paulson, OK? Robert Paulson? He's a man and he's dead now because of us, all right? Do you understand that? I understand.
Fight Club
So? So you're a tourist. OK? I've seen you. I saw you- saw you at melanoma, saw you at tuberculosis, I saw you at testicular cancer. I saw you practicing this. Practicing what? Telling me off. Is it going as well as you hoped... "RUPERT"? I'll expose you. Go ahead. I'll expose you. All right, come together. Let yourselves cry.
Fight Club
I think we're going to have to talk about how this might compromise our goals. Wh-What are you saying? This is - This is bullshit. This is bullshit. I'm not listening to this. You are insane. No, you're insane. And we simply do not have time for this crap.
Fight Club
I wrote little haiku poems. I e-mailed them to everyone.
Fight Club
Have you ever heard a death rattle before?
Fight Club
I am Jack�s wasted life.
Fight Club
Hey, Marla!
Fight Club
He was the guerilla terrorist of the food service industry. Do not watch. I cannot go when you watch. Apart from seasoning the lobster bisque, he farted on meringues, sneezed on braised endive. And as for the cream of mushroom soup, well... Go ahead, tell them. You get the idea. What do you want me to do? You just want me to hit you? Come on. Do me this one favor. Why? Why? I don't know why. I don't know. I've never been in a fight. Have you? No, but that's a good thing. No, it is not. How much can you know about yourself if you�ve never been in a fight? I don't wanna die without any scars. So, come on, hit me before I lose my nerve. God, this is crazy. So go crazy. Let 'er rip. Hey, I don't know about this. I don't, either, but who gives a shit? No one's watching. What do you care? Wait. This is crazy. You want me to hit you? That's right. What, like, in the face? Surprise me. This is so fucking stupid.