Nickleby? What are you doing? Pest control. Burning some ants. Spot check.
Moonrise Kingdom
Let's hope tomorrow's better.
Moonrise Kingdom
Sixteen baritone bass singers.
Moonrise Kingdom
What happened to your hand?
Moonrise Kingdom
What's your rush? You've got your whole life in front of yourself. Ahead of you, I mean.
Moonrise Kingdom
Tubular bells.
Moonrise Kingdom
Camp Ivanhoe, that's all the way across the other side of the island. You really think a 12-year-old boy could row this far in a miniature canoe? Most likely not. It is possible, Counselor. I disagree, Counselor. It would take him three days, at least. I don't think so. Two days, maximum. - Well, I'm not going to argue about it. - Be that as it may, -will you let me know if you see anything unusual? - Yup.
Moonrise Kingdom
Dear Sam, it saddens me to write this letter, but Mrs. Billingsley and I have decided we cannot permit you to return to our home. I know you mean well. Do trust me, this is for the best. Godspeed, Herbert Billingsley.
Moonrise Kingdom
Then why aren't we worried about that? I am. Well, I didn't know. Or, anyway, I thought maybe I was wrong. Did you hit him? No. He fell in a ditch. Hey! Cat food! I think it's a clue.
Moonrise Kingdom
Anyway, we shouldn't discuss that. It's not appropriate for me to even acknowledge what I already just said.
Moonrise Kingdom
Do you mind? I like it.
Moonrise Kingdom
Right, an orphanage.
Moonrise Kingdom
I'll be out back.
Moonrise Kingdom
I'm Suzy.
Moonrise Kingdom
Hmm. That sounds like poetry. Poems don't always have to rhyme, you know. They're just supposed to be creative.
Moonrise Kingdom
Go on adventures, too. Not get stuck, too. Anyway, we can't predict the exact future.
Moonrise Kingdom
They were prepared to die for each other out there.