Punched the shit out of the wall. I don't know why. Seemed important at the time.
The World's End
The World's End
Which is fine, unless you say no.
The World's End
Will you find out what happened to my brother? Yeah, of course, of course, and I'll look after Stevie for you, eh?
The World's End
If you will not join us willingly, we will be forced to use other means of persuasion. Now, please...
The World's End
I can't find Steven. Where are the others?
The World's End
Why didn't you say anything? About what? About what you said in the garden.
The World's End
It looks like you, it even has your memories, but really it's just a vessel to spread their message. Trust, love, respect, desire. Replaced in the name of progress.
The World's End
If you're not on their side, they'll create a version that is.
The World's End
Sam, who was the boy that you liked in sixth form? Adrian?
The World's End
They can bring you back exactly the same or even make you young again.
The World's End
Enablers. That's a funny word, isn't it? "Enabler." Gary King And The Enablers. That's a good name for a band, Steve. Write that down. Don't do a Gary, Gary. Oh, is that a thing now, is it? It's always been a thing. You don't need us to help you get fucked up, you've done a perfectly good job so far on your own.
The World's End
Oh, don't worry, he's probably just trying to fuck Oliver's sister. Andy.