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AUTOMATED VOICE: Obstruction detected.
Johnny English Reborn
Tucker, Ambrose is in Switzerland. We are in Tooting.
Johnny English Reborn
I don't think he had any idea what he was doing. I think Vortex's secret weapon...
Johnny English Reborn
Timox... Timoxylin Bubby... SUMNER: Timoxeline Barbebutenol.
Johnny English Reborn
Consider it done.
Johnny English Reborn
ENGLISH: Come off it, Fisher You, a hired assassin? You couldn't hit a barn door with a banana And as for Vortex, clearly you got the name off a box of washing powder.
Johnny English Reborn
TUCKER: This way, sir! This way!
Johnny English Reborn
Take a look at this.
Johnny English Reborn
I'd love a take-away.
Johnny English Reborn
Quick, come on! Come on!
Johnny English Reborn
Vortex is three of us.
Johnny English Reborn
Johnny English Reborn
Johnny English Reborn
English, you go to Hong Kong tonight.
Johnny English Reborn
Johnny English Reborn
AGENT: Agent English, pull over! Pullover!
Johnny English Reborn
I am over here! Shut up! Shut up! I am over here!
Johnny English Reborn
Johnny English Reborn