Gary, you're not a bad person, but you're not boyfriend material.
The World's End
Just what is it that you want to do? We want to be free! We want to be free to do what we want to do! And we want to get loaded. And we want to have a good time, And that's what we're going to do. We're going to have a good time. We're going to have a party.
The World's End
Humans, this is your final warning. Failure to comply will result in your...
The World's End
There's only one Gary King. How do I know you guys are you? We've been together the whole time.
The World's End
The World's End
You might all not be you. How did you know O-Man wasn't O-Man? Because his birthmark was back. What does that prove? Because of what Basil said. They make a copy from your DNA. That's why he had his birthmark. He was new, like a baby. Like a man-baby. Like a "maybe". Oliver with none of the shit that had happened to the real Oliver. The laser surgery! So the blanks really are just blank?
The World's End
Oh, not even halfway. Plenty more fun to be had.
The World's End
I don't know if you're aware of this, Gary, but we are not teenagers anymore. And God forbid you ever have children, because if... I might have kids. Then you had better be ready to take responsibility... No. I mean I might have kids.
The World's End
Some guy from work, my cousin Paul, Gary's mum.
The World's End
Nobody really knew how many we lost, because we never heard from the rest of the world again. Everyone got cut off.
The World's End
When The Network went down, it triggered some kind of pulse, wiped out all our technology and sent us here, back to the Dark Ages.
The World's End
I say we neck these and get the fuck out of here. To London? To The Trusty Servant. Are you fucking kidding? Oh, yeah.
The World's End
I don't remember this at all. Has it been refurbished? Been bought by a chain, hasn't it? Part of that nationwide initiative to rob small, charming pubs of any discernible character. Starbucking, man. It's happening everywhere.
The World's End
Talk about the Big Smoke.
The World's End
You can have one.
The World's End
So, do you wanna?
The World's End
Now, do you recall the events of the evening of June the 22nd, 1990? No, but I know a man who does.