This is worse than my teapot. Ugh! I'm never going to make it in time. I wish this traffic would just-- Yes, go ahead. Long, I'm not gonna waste a wish on traffic! -Look, Din, you're gonna have to use-- -[honking] You're gonna have to-- You're going to have to-- -You're gonna have to use-- -[honks] Use a wish! You son of a cabbage farmer! There is no place to go! Blow your trumpet all you want. It won't make any difference at all! You know, Long, we'll get there eventually. Even if it takes all day.
Wish Dragon
Come along, Li Na.
Wish Dragon
[upbeat, joyful music plays]
Wish Dragon
Everything that matters.
Wish Dragon
[barking] There you are, Maurice. Here we got Pocket and Mr. Pants. And all 234. Wow, nice puppies.
Wish Dragon
-Oh! -Whoa! -God! -Are you okay? I'm fine. I'm fine.
Wish Dragon
Excellent. I see where this is going. Now, when choosing a palace, it is very important that-- Uh, what are you do-- -[groans] -Quit goofing off. This is serious.
Wish Dragon
Yes, very busy.
Wish Dragon
It's okay, Long. I get emotional too just talking about it.
Wish Dragon
So true. Who needs wine when you have good company? I believe you've misunder-- [hiccups] [laughs] I don't normally move this fast, but… Sorry, must run.
Wish Dragon
Long, you look good as a human. Now, walking can be tricky, but-- Okay, party time. [tires screech]
Wish Dragon
[Li Na] Incoming!
Wish Dragon
Just… just don't tell Li Na about any of this.
Wish Dragon
Just… just one night out of the whole year, I thought maybe he could make time.