So, what happens to the people who get replaced? The empties? Don't ask me what happens to them. Why, what happens to the empties? I told you not to ask me that! Go! Get out, before it's too late!
The World's End
Here we go. Pub number nine. Fuck yes! That's the spirit, Pete! Spirits! We should do chasers. Who is this guy? Come on. Andy! It can't start without you.
The World's End
The 1990-model Oliver was out of commission by this point in the evening.
The World's End
This is a mistake, isn't it? Hold up! Just stick with me.
The World's End
We can't start without you.
The World's End
What are you saying?
The World's End
Andy, come on!
The World's End
You what?
The World's End
Okay, just go. Wait. What about the others? Leave 'em with me, okay? I got this. Are you sure? Yeah, I always land on my feet.