I've never been to a will reading. Oh, well... You think it'd be like a game show, but think of a community theater production of a tax return.
Knives Out
Hey, sis, people are gonna start getting here for the memorial pretty soon. Are you...
Knives Out
Hey, Frannie, how about a glass of cold milk? Hey, asshole. Not her name, not her job. Hey, Meg. How's the SJW degree coming? - Trust fund prick. - All right, guys. Hey. Hey. Everyone... I'm just gonna be in the other room, setting up. Be ready in 10 minutes.
Knives Out
Sir? We're officers of the law! You gonna run me in? I don't feel like talking. I'm distraught. Hey, Benny, you wanna ask this guy some questions? All right, what is this? What's this arrangement? Mr. Drysdale.
Knives Out
Hey. I'll take an extra bowl. Sure.
Knives Out
Harlan's detectives, they dig. They riffle and root. Truffle pigs. I anticipate the terminus of Gravity's Rainbow. Gravity's Rainbow? It's a novel. Yeah, I know. - I haven't read it though. - Neither have I. Nobody has. But I like the title. It describes the path of a projectile determined by natural law. Et voila, my method. I observe the facts without biases of the head or heart. I determine the arc's path, stroll leisurely to its terminus and the truth falls at my feet.
Knives Out
What you need to do will take moments. But it is essential that you are alone and undetected. You knew what medications Harlan took. You knew what Marta would be injecting him with that night.
Knives Out
Hugh Drysdale? Ransom. Call me Ransom, it's my middle name. Only the help calls me Hugh.
Knives Out
About what? Are you goddamn insane? We couldn't make it out really, but it was huge. And it's strange they went into another room to do it. Usually they like to stoke up drama in front of the whole family. Speaking of getting into it...
Knives Out
That's my insight. And yet, be it cruel or comforting, this machine unerringly arrives at the truth.
Knives Out
It's not here, Harlan. I don't know why it's not here. So, I'm gonna use the phone, okay?
Knives Out
Is there a problem?
Knives Out
Oh, yeah? I know you weren't looking forward to it. No. But I did it.
Knives Out
Oh, my God.
Knives Out
You return, careful to avoid the gate's security camera range. Then on foot up towards the house, you sneak in up the trellis, so as not to be seen by the rest of the family who are still having their party downstairs.