So... these are the tickets from when your parents came to see me perform, and, uh, I-- I realized how great they are, and how great you are, and how great honesty is.
The Big Sick
And... And, yeah, so that's all. We just... Thank you, everybody. Hey... [ "Good Woman" by Maker playing ]
The Big Sick
I know you did not get Montreal, and that is only because you did one of the worst sets I've ever seen in my goddamn life. - Yeah. - CJ: It was nonsense. MARY: A living disgrace. I would call it shit, but I would be worried that I'd be insulting actual shit. Yeah, it was so bone-chilling to me, I thought a ghost had passed right through me. We don't have to keep going over how bad the set was. I saw their faces and the noises they didn't make. - I felt one of my eggs die. - [ Kumail laughs ] Doesn't that happen, like, every month? It happens every month, Kumail, but I don't always feel it and go... [ Groaning ] - [ Chuckles ] - [ Groaning ]
The Big Sick
'Cause he was there the whole time, you know.
The Big Sick
I invited the nurses, I invited him.
The Big Sick
But I hope not.
The Big Sick
Just never see each other again.
The Big Sick
And I already called shotgun, Chicago to Pittsburgh. Do not fuck this up. Your destiny awaits. CJ: This'll be the biggest move of your life, other than the one from Pakistan. - KUMAIL: Yeah. - [ Audience laughing ] EMILY: I didn't have any kind of epiphany or anything... Hey, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink. [ Chuckles ] Hey, everybody. Thank you for, uh, for coming. I just want to say a couple, uh... A couple of words here. Mom, why is Kumail here?