And we all know what happens after eight Jell-O shots. We urinate all over ourselves and puke. Okay, so I'm gonna bring up the next comic. - Confidence. Poise. - You know this man. Give it up for Mr. Chris Jones! - Smile. - [ Audience cheering ] - DODD: Chris! - He's like if a serial killer fucked an inspirational speaker. He's like Daniel Day-Lewis, except he sucks.
The Big Sick
- [ Laughs ] - SAM: I've tried his warm-up. - It does not work for me. - So unsettling. CHRIS: Just bought a laser printer. Printed out, like, six lasers so far. - Maybe. - KUMAIL: Hey, DODD. Uh, Dalavan's in the crowd tonight. - Can I do ten? - No, five minutes.
The Big Sick
You put out chairs, you do five minutes. - You know the deal. - Come on, man. I'll double it up next time. Come on. What are you gonna do in there? I'm making up next week's schedule. Okay, cool.
The Big Sick
Who's Bob Dalavan? Bob Dalavan works for the Montreal Comedy Festival, you fucking doof. - He's here? - CJ: Yes. Don't you want to get noticed?
The Big Sick
Don't you want to move to L.A.? Hang out with Elijah Wood, and shit?
The Big Sick
So, these are my real journals, honestly. And this is the woman who wrote them. - Poor gal. - [ Audience laughs ] Yeah. She-- She has no idea that, like, giant titties are about to sprout and change her life dramatically.
The Big Sick
Bob Dalavan.
The Big Sick
♪ Somethin's wrong 'cause my mind is fading ♪ ♪ And everywhere I look there's a dead end waiting ♪ ♪ Temperature's dropping at the rotten oasis ♪ ♪ Stealing kisses from the leprous faces ♪ ♪ Got a devil's haircut in my mind ♪ ♪ Got a devil's haircut in my mind ♪ ♪ Got a devil's haircut in my mind... ♪
The Big Sick
So, uh, thank you, guys... There's no bad crowds, dude, only bad comedians. You complain about the crowd, like, all the time. Yeah, like, that's when they're really bad. That's, like, 90% of the time they're really bad. Look, will you just watch and give me notes tonight? All right? If we both give each other notes, I think it helps. Your notes are just, "Add more fucks into the bit." - That doesn't help anybody. - Hey, fuck's a funny word. It's soft on the top, and it's hard on the end. That was truly horrible. - That was so bad. - What happened? - Just watch. - I'll watch, give you notes. - All right. Thank you. - Hey, that was great. No, he didn't even crack a smile. - I thought I was gonna puke. - Who?
The Big Sick
I mean, we played cricket, which is just a spicier version of baseball.