SAM: I don't want kids. People say, "Sam, you're gonna love it. "This kid... You're gonna have a kid, "he's gonna be your best friend." A best friend that... that pukes on you and shits everywhere and is constantly screaming. I already have friends like that. - [ Audience laughs ] - People say, "Sam..." I know you're bummed, all right, but, like...
The Big Sick
Multigrain, pumpernickel, pita bread, hot dog bun, croutons. I can't eat any of it.
The Big Sick
[ Door slams ]
The Big Sick
Does she have HIV?
The Big Sick
There's a massive infection in her lungs, and all her vitals are elevated.
The Big Sick
What? No. I mean, she... - Are you her husband? - No. Oh, we need to intubate her immediately. I need a family member to sign this. So I'm gonna ask you again, are you her husband? What does, uh, "intubate" mean?
The Big Sick
[ "Catch Me I'm Falling" by Pretty Poison playing ] [ Indistinct chatter ]
The Big Sick
- Is she up yet? - TERRY: No, she's not. And, uh, they won't tell us anything.
The Big Sick
We've been here all morning. [ Sighs ]
The Big Sick
[ Phone ringing ]
The Big Sick
SAM: I got another Taco Bell one.
The Big Sick
KUMAIL: She's gonna be fine. She's gonna be fine. They said she's gonna be fine, so... They're gonna be fine. Doctors know medical stuff. MARY: Mmm-hmm. That's what doctors do. They're good at medical stuff. This is a medically-induced coma. This is their specialty. Maybe. You know, it might be a good thing. Like, she might wake up with a new skill. Like, my cousin, uh, blacked out once, and then, when he came to, he thought he knew a different language. - Did he? - No. Apparently, it was... It was just gibberish that he made up. It was brain damage.
The Big Sick
He suggested it.
The Big Sick
That's good. What if... What if instead of it being at the airport, you quit comedy and never do comedy ever again? Yeah. CHRIS: Fuck you! It's a good bit. That's a funny bit. Just for the sake of the public that they wouldn't have to look at your face or hear your words. That's... Hey, it's okay that I'm not there, right?
The Big Sick
He put his girlfriend in a coma. - Yeah. - Yeah. - You know, the way you do. - She's not my girlfriend. MARY: He didn't, but he signed a paper that allowed doctors to put...
The Big Sick
Like... I don't need to be there, right?
The Big Sick
You don't have to worry about being committed to anything, Kumail.