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Yeah, I'm cool. - All right. Give me your left arm. - Huh? JACKSON: Your left arm. Give me your left arm. This one. - No! - Yeah, come on. No!
The Nice Guys
Now, I'm very sorry that you didn't get the message. Me, too. (SNIFFS) But I get it now. (CLEARS THROAT) I get it. I dig it.
The Nice Guys
Do you mind if I have an apple? (GROANS)
The Nice Guys
What about now? You get the message now?
The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys
What the fuck?
The Nice Guys
We're looking for Amelia.
The Nice Guys
You got like an apartment up here? If you're looking for the restroom, back down the stairs. (GUN COCKS)
The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys
"It's me-he for Yoo-hoo!" Thanks again. Bye.
The Nice Guys
Um, maybe. I read there sometimes. Right.
The Nice Guys
You know, I haven't had one of these in about 30 years. Are you a friend of my dad's? Yeah, yeah. We're business associates. He's inside resting.
The Nice Guys
Are you kidding?
The Nice Guys
OLDER GUY: Hey. JACKSON: It's not a public area up here.
The Nice Guys
Didn't I see you crawling round a vacant lot a couple of blocks over?
The Nice Guys