Found 635 results
Fuck, Barry! Okay, all right, all right. Okay.
American Made
Tranquilo, tranquilo Wait here, Barry. Wait here.
American Made
See, right here. See that there? Hmm.
American Made
No mas. No mas. No mas. No mas. But there's plenty of room, gringo. - No, no. Si, si, Hasta arriba. - Guys, guys. It ain't about room, all right? It's about weight. Now, we agreed on 200, I even put on 300.
American Made
Check. Radius transponder radar. - Barry? Radius transponder radar. - Yeah, check, check. - Rudder aileron trim. - Zero zero. Windows.
American Made
That sparked the Iran-Contra scandal.
American Made
So, this is all yours. Including everything between here and your house. Almost 2,000 acres. What do you think?
American Made
Good luck, hermano. God will keep you safe.
American Made
Shit gets crazy from here.
American Made
Shit. I know, I know. That was bold.
American Made
Si, si, si, si, si...
American Made
I've got a possible target headed due north. 25 miles off shore.
American Made
Lucy and the kids went back to Louisiana.
American Made
Where are you- where are you going?
American Made
We'll handle it from here, Deputy.
American Made
Hey, Jorge. Come here, give me it.
American Made
Coronamos de mi puta!
American Made