And I can't fight this feelin' anymore Forgotten what I started fightin' for It's time to bring the ship into the shore And throw away...
The Way, Way Back
What is her deal? I don't know. She's been like that since we got here.
The Way, Way Back
I told you. Your eye makes people uncomfortable.
The Way, Way Back
Don't stand us up. We know where you live!
The Way, Way Back
Not doing it.
The Way, Way Back
There you are. We were just about to leave without you. Where did you go off to? Nowhere. Let's leave notes, okay? Your mom was worried. You need to get your swim trunks on. Kip and Joan have invited us out on their boat. We're gonna be late.
The Way, Way Back
The Way, Way Back
No pattern on my quarter. Cut your own path.
The Way, Way Back
The Way, Way Back
But, listen, it's still my quarter. So, if you end up getting a high score, I don't want to see... What's your name? Duncan. I don't want to see that up on the screen. Oh, they only let you use three letters.
The Way, Way Back
I wasn't sure about you. I met her when she was catering some Halloween party in Albany. He went as a sexy cop. Oh, God! No. I went as a '70s, badass cop. Oh, he followed me around all night, saying that he was there to "protect and serve" me. That about ended it right there for me. Sadly, I would have been working his bag at that point. However, I do remember. You did let me help you pack your van at the end of the night. -Yes, I did. -Yes, you did. Then it took three months to get her to go out with me. Three months?
The Way, Way Back
Is that snug enough?
The Way, Way Back
Basically, he was relentless. And don't get me wrong. I was looking. I had been divorced for well over a year.
The Way, Way Back
Dad, could I get the keys?
The Way, Way Back
I'm loving this. Oh, thank you. I couldn't pull it off. My hair seems to hate me.
The Way, Way Back
The Way, Way Back
You just walked into the wrong room, stranger. Who are you? Mom. This is Duncan, my son. These are Trent's friends, Joan and Kip. Chief, I'm Kip. I'm the one who's not grinding on you right now. I'm not grinding on him. Yes, you are. Carry a laser down the road that I must travel I'll make it worse.