FORREST: Some years later, that nice young man from England was on his way home to see his little boy and was signing some autographs, and for no particular reason at all, somebody shot him.
Forrest Gump
- What's the matter, Mama? - I'm dying, Forrest.
Forrest Gump
Have you found Jesus yet, Gump? I didn't know I was supposed to be looking for him, sir. (LAUGHING)
Forrest Gump
Come on. Come on. Yeah, you! Come on. Move, move, move.
Forrest Gump
And after that, I got more company. And then, even more people joined in.
Forrest Gump
Run, Forrest!
Forrest Gump
Things got a little out of hand. It's just this war and that lying son of a bitch, Johnson!
Forrest Gump
But we didn't mind. Our house was never empty. There was always folks coming and going. MRS. GUMP: Supper. - It's supper, everyone. Forrest... - My, my. That sure looks special. FORREST: Sometimes we had so many people staying with us that every room was filled with travelers. You know, folks living out of their suitcases and hat cases and sample cases. Forrest Gump, it's suppertime! Forrest... One time, a young man was staying with us, and he had him a guitar case.
Forrest Gump
Lieutenant Dan said he was living in a hotel. And because he didn't have no legs, he spent most of his time exercising his arms.
Forrest Gump
FORREST: I'd think a lot about Mama and Bubba and Lieutenant Dan.
Forrest Gump
- Down that way? - Down that way.
Forrest Gump
FORREST: I got to see a lot of the countryside. We would take these real long walks.
Forrest Gump
Now, for some reason, what I was doing seemed to make sense to people. I mean, it was like an alarm went off in my head, you know? I said, "Here's a guy that's got his act together. "Here's somebody who's got it all figured out. "Here's somebody who has the answer." I'll follow you anywhere, Mr. Gump. So, I got company.
Forrest Gump
Forrest, why did you do that?
Forrest Gump
Hey. It's nice to meet you finally.
Forrest Gump
I just figured why you give me so much trouble.
The Princess Bride
Well, if there can be no arrangement, then we are at an impasse. I'm afraid so. I can't compete with you physically, and you're no match for my brains. - You're that smart? - Let me put it this way. Have you ever heard of Plato? Aristotle? Socrates? - Yes. - Morons. Really?