Hey, hey, asshole! Hey, come on! Pickle dick, demonic-looking motherfucker. Nobody's scared of you. You ain't a raccoon! Yeah, bring your ass, bitch! Nobody's scared of you! I'm Craig fucking Robinson! Yeah. What's he gonna do? Craig. I hope you like big dick, motherfucker, 'cause I'm about to fuck you raw! For the last goddamn time!
This Is the End
This Is the End
Tell you what, boys, I'm kind of jonesing, so I'm gonna find someone I can bum a smoke off of outside, all right? That's tight, dude. Honestly, I like you. Hey, likewise. Okay, dude, come back. I'll be right back. You're holding court. All right, boys.
This Is the End
This Is the End
Fuck, man. I'm just pouring myself another glass of water to wash down that dry-ass Cinnamon Toast Crunch. That's very nice, but you can't just pour yourself another glass of water, man! Will you cut it out? Yeah. We agreed to one glass at dinner, we voted on it, man. Well, man, I'm just getting sick and tired of all these fucking rules, man. You don't see me putting rules on you guys. You cannot have another glass of water. Jay weighs 150 pounds less than me. Why the fuck is it fair that him and I should drink the same amount of water? We should be dividing our rations based on our proportionate size. I don't want to come off as a diva here or anything. It's just that I think everyone should split everything equally. "I just think that everybody shoul have the fucking same. "I have a goddamn earring. " Shut the fuck up, Jonah! You know what, Danny? If you weren't jizzing all the time, maybe you'd be more hydrated. You're making me into a joke right now, Franco, and you are not gonna like the fucking punch line. No more jerking off! No more water! Just sit the fuck down! Okay, I'm done. We're not gonna have any more water. Good. All right.
This Is the End
Fuck, yeah. Let's go, let's go, let's go.
This Is the End
What the fuck? You guys okay? Oh, shit. Christ.
This Is the End
Holy shit, do you guys realize what this means? That Craig was an angel this whole time? No, no, it means we can still be saved. No, no.
This Is the End
Say cheese, baby.
This Is the End
Oh, shit. Don't move. Oh, shit, he's coming right this way. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
This Is the End
I gouged a man's eyeballs out. What the... Fuck off. Craig. Well, I was a kid, man. It was a fuckin' bar fight. It was a bad foosball game. He said I didn't call spinneys, and I fuckin' called spinneys. He got all in my face, and I smashed a bottle across his face...
This Is the End
It's been a long time since any of us have eaten, and you three gentlemen look delicious. What does that have to do with us? The fuck are you talking about? I'm a cannibal, hombre. We're gonna fucking eat your ass. Fuck you, you can't eat us. Fuck that, man. I do whatever the fuck I want, when I want. I butt-fucked this dude.
This Is the End
This Is the End
God! What the fuck was that? I don't know what the fuck that was, but I ain't going back out there. Craig, you didn't even get any of the water. The door was fucked up. Damn it, this is so frustrating! It's so close, but so far. The water, it's, like, right underneath us. Like, right there. What do you mean "right underneath us"? Like, literally, like, right there. If you went right through the floor.
This Is the End
Go ahead, brother.
This Is the End
Someone help me! Fucking grab it!
This Is the End
- Fasten! - Hurry! Fasten, God damn you, bastard! He's gonna be fuckin' bad news when he wakes up! He's fuckin' strong. My side's good. Oh, shit! All right, I'll fuckin' hit him. Fuck! Come on, come on! Okay!
This Is the End
Dude, that's great. Thank you. Sick. What have you guys been doing? Oh, we just hung out all day. Ate a bunch of dirty burgers, and smoked about a fucking pound of weed and played a bunch of video games. Weed is tight. Weed is tight. That's awesome. That's awesome. Weed is awesome. It was like the golfing sequence in Navy SEALs. Sick reference, though, bro. Oh, thanks, bud. Dude, your references are out of control. Everyone knows that. Hey, thanks, man. I'm jealous. I would have been there in a heartbeat, but, uh, I actually just adopted this incontinent spaniel. She's a really beautiful soul. Her name's Ahjhai. Ahjhai? Yeah. How do you spell it? A - H - J - H - A - I. A - H... You want to see a picture of her? Oh, she's so sweet. Hey! Look at her. Aw! She can't bark. She doesn't know how, so... She doesn't know how to bark, even? She doesn't know how to bark, so I've tried to teach her and she just kind of screams, and so she was up, had her face smushed against the cage, and was, like... Ah!