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Sorry I punched your face. Happens more often than you think.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
They'll let go, you fly straight!
Solo: A Star Wars Story
We're too close. I gotta release. You do what I tell you, Han! Chewie, grab the line! Don't you do it!
Solo: A Star Wars Story
What the hell?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Beckett, I can't pull it away from 'em.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Release your cables or die!
Solo: A Star Wars Story
He wants us to follow him.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Against your ship.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
- I... - I... - You go first. - No. What were you gonna say? I wanna tell you so much.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Time to find out if you got the nerve.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Fair and square, baby. Fair and square.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
That's why, baby.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Then why'd you do it?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Don't lose that.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
How do they breathe in these suits? It's so stuffy!
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Does she have sharp teeth?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Don't fly toward it, Han!
Solo: A Star Wars Story