AT-hauler. That's what we came for. Forward operations must be this way. They are, but the major said we're supposed to go that way! Yeah, go that way and die! That's exactly what happened to the major! Who's the ranking officer now? You are, Captain.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
So what are you gonna do about your little problem? Problem? Uh... Well, that brand on your wrist tells me that you're committed. And that young male's heart fluctuations tell me he's in love with you. Han is not in love with me! Oh, please. It's just us. You don't have to pretend. I'm in the same situation. You are? I'm sure you've noticed that Lando has feelings for me. Which makes working together difficult because I do not feel the same way about him. Right. Yes, yeah. Yeah, I see that. Sometimes, I think... Maybe. But, no. We're just not compatible. How would that work? It works.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Chewie, get in. I'll help Lando.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Hey, what are you... We're almost there. - Just hold on to me. - Next. Don't look back.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Maybe you don't know her well enough.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
You guys are not gonna believe what I'm seeing up here. Is it a mass breakout?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Well, the only known source of astatic coaxium is a fissure vent beneath the spice mines on Kessel. Yeah. That's the one I was thinking of. That's a very, very good one. But see, the Pykes control Kessel. Crimson Dawn maintains a fragile alliance with the Pykes. It's one that I can't jeopardize without risking an all-out war with the Syndicates, and that, gentlemen, I will not do. So, if that's all you have, I think we're done here. Not all we have. We don't have any alliance with the Pykes. Right, so nobody is gonna know we're working for you.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
You too.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Listen, last I checked, me and Crimson Dawn, we're squared away. Dryden said all is forgiven after I did the whole Felucia thing for him. Yeah. New move, we're making the Kessel Run.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
That's what I said!
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Once we're through, we've gotta be smart, figure out where we're going. Anywhere the Empire isn't. Wherever we go, it can't be worse than where we've been. Yes, it can. Out there, we've got no protection. We could get snatched up by traffickers, sold to Crimson Dawn or the Hutt Cartel. That's not gonna happen. I won't let it.