100 k-grams of refined coaxium? Yes. We will simply steal it from somewhere else. From where? You'll be hard pushed to find that anywhere outside an Imperial vault. Scarif. Maybe Mercy Island. That's impossible. So, let's come up with some other options. Other ideas that we might... What about unrefined?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Your spice for our hard-working slaves. I brought you a sample. Tuul, bring forth the merchandise.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
What? Beckett, you with us? We just lost the cannon! And I really hurt my thumbs. There's still one on us.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Yeah, I had to try one on. That's a lot of capes. Maybe too many capes.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Trust me!
Solo: A Star Wars Story
I once won a subtropical moon in the Oseon Belt.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
It's not responding.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Then that's what we do.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
How about you?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
The Calrissian Chronicles, chapter five. continued. Personally, I wasn't all that impressed with the Sharu. No sense of humor or style. Nonetheless, there L3 and I were deep in their sacred temple. And that's when we saw it...
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Wow. Turned out to be a real money pit. I'm impressed. I don't think I'd have the nerve to gamble with something I love as much as my ship. - Really? - Yeah.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
L3, what did you do? I found my true purpose, Lando. That's what I've done.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
I got a really good feeling about this.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Where's my VCX?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Yeah. All right, course to Kessel is set. Plugging coordinates in now. Just keep your pinky on the yoke and try not to mess anything up. Whatever you say, my lady. Just let me know when you're ready to jump. Ready in...