You have a talent for sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong. I just couldn't help but notice you're wearing a uniform pock-full of laser burns. So either you heal real quick or you stole it off a dead man. You're not Imperial Army. You're thieves here to steal equipment for a job and I want in.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
First of all, there's no way he could've had that green sylop. They'd all been played. Also, your guy, Captain Wonderful, is so full of bantha crap... Yoo-hoo!
Solo: A Star Wars Story
With the cargo we're carrying, if we don't make up some lost time we're gonna be in real trouble. How about that? Is that real trouble?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Wait! One question! - You wanna live, sparky? - Very much. Then shut up and do what your captain tells you.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
There's a starliner leaving from Coronet Spaceport, we're gonna be on it.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
The only thing to do is to go to them. Maybe I can find some way to make it up to him.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
You look phenomenal. As always. Well, I knew I was gonna see you.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Moloch, wait!
Solo: A Star Wars Story
You must have experience with these, right? Yeah, I could take it off. Fantastic! Along with five percent off your cut.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
You fold now, you walk away with enough to get yourself your own little ship. You call, I'm gonna clean you out again.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Don't even think about it! I'm telling you, you will never have a deeper sleep than curled up in a Wookiee's lap.