All units, there has been a breach. Another unauthorized traveler made it through the gate. One got through the gate! Look over there! Someone got through the checkpoint.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
You know, you're wrong about one thing. What? I was paying attention. You told Chewie people are predictable.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Starting the clock. Jamming their signal. 9.6 to the bridge. Let's find out how good we really are, folks.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
He's attractive, too. Sophisticated, with impeccable taste and... Charisma.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Haven't fed him in three days. Should be fun.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Oh. You know your stuff.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Your plan is underway, Enfys. We've attached the homing beacon. They won't elude us now. Good.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Whoa, whoa, whoa, Han. Slow down. You might wanna quit while you're ahead. You might wanna quit while you're behind.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
I don't have it right here now. It's in the shop. - I'm getting some work done. - Lando.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Beckett, you see them? They still on us?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Thank you, Ottilie.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Who are your people?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Your Empire needs you. Troopers forward! Solo, get up! We're almost there! Almost where? Where are we going? Just over that last ridge. Victory is...