Ooh. You really have it bad for the Falcon, don't you? It's mutual, trust me. She belongs with me.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
L3! No, Lando! Get back here! Lando!
Solo: A Star Wars Story
No, you can't wipe 'em off. They're holograms.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Yeah. No, I mean, you did...
Solo: A Star Wars Story
You weren't lying, kid.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Wait, wait. Come here. Listen to me. You don't understand, okay? I have some very good friends waiting for me at that airfield. They're leaving right now. That's our one way off this mud ball. If you wanna live, we go that way. After that, you go whichever way you want, I don't care! But right now, that's the way you go!
Solo: A Star Wars Story
We'd really appreciate the opportunity to work for you again, sir. I would've been inconsolable if anything had happened to you, my dear.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
That's what I'm gonna do right after this job. How you know she'll still be there?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Beginner's luck. Well played.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
I could use a co-pilot.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
She's definitely going. Oh, why? Because you're my organic overlord? Because I'm your captain, how about that? I actually would have her memory wiped, but she's got the best damn navigational database in the galaxy.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
See if it goes for this. No, what are you doing? That's the escape pod!