You say he won his ship? You have an awful Sabacc face. I'm gonna call it. I can take him. Let me at him. Absolutely not. Han, these guys are serious gamblers. I'm serious. Stake me. Don't listen to him.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Director Tolsite said our slaves should follow those guys to get clipped and tagged. What are they clipping? Mmm-hmm.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
He is arrogant and he's hungry. So what do you think, my dear? You think your friend here can do what needs to be done?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
That's "Han", but that's okay. I heard a story about you. I was wondering if it's true.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
I'm definitely gonna have some words with someone about this.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
They're going for the landing gear! We've gotta get out of here!
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Oh! Hey! Hey, big fella. Just calm down. Take it easy. We're on the same side. You like treats?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
- Stop struggling. - Let me go! Take his arm. I got him. Take him to cell 3B. This way, come on.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
If you do fail me again, we'll all be out of options. Right? We won't.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Well, it's good to have you. Welcome. And you, too, Chewbacca, welcome.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Lieutenant. Captain.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
This is a Corellian YT-1300.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Ooh. You really have it bad for the Falcon, don't you? It's mutual, trust me. She belongs with me.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
L3! No, Lando! Get back here! Lando!
Solo: A Star Wars Story
No, you can't wipe 'em off. They're holograms.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Yeah. No, I mean, you did...
Solo: A Star Wars Story
You weren't lying, kid.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Wait, wait. Come here. Listen to me. You don't understand, okay? I have some very good friends waiting for me at that airfield. They're leaving right now. That's our one way off this mud ball. If you wanna live, we go that way. After that, you go whichever way you want, I don't care! But right now, that's the way you go!