Crimson Dawn? Now we owe them 100 keys of refined coaxium. When they find out we don't got it, they're gonna kill us.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
How much? The Kessel Run. That's no easy spin. I'm gonna need half the take. Ridiculous. Grown-ups are talking.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
How'd you do it? Wasn't easy. No, I mean, how'd you do it? It looks exactly like the real thing.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Can I ask you a question, Captain Calrissian? Anything, Han.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
You done flirting? I'm still ready.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
So this is, uh, Sabacc?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Hey, hey, hey! Chewie, relax! Hey, try to compose yourself. Look. All you gotta do is think a few moves ahead, anticipate your opponent. There's a lesson to be learned here. Uh, you guys seen Qi'ra?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
He built these.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Does she have sharp teeth?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
This is where I sign up to be a pilot, right? If you apply for the Imperial Navy, but most recruits go into the infantry. I'm gonna be a pilot. Best in the galaxy. You there, come with us. Who, me? We have a few questions to ask you. How long is that gonna take? Depends on how good you are at following orders. Why, have you got somewhere to be? Yeah, back here, as soon as I can.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
You there, stop! - Show me some identification. - Please. Please. No, no! Do not resist. Be a part of something. Join the Empire. Explore new worlds. Learn valuable skills. Bring order and unity to the galaxy! Be a part of something. Join the Empire.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Beckett, what are you doing? Thinking. And I prefer to be the only one holding a blaster while I'm doing it. Han, grab that coaxium, put it in the case. Big stuff, you're coming with me.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
You have any idea what it's like to live with a price on your head?