I was trained in aerial combat... You want some advice? Get the hell away from here. Any way you can, as fast as you can.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Never better.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
If you come with me and show your face, if they don't kill you, you're in this life for good.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
You don't listen and you can't follow orders! You have any idea what you've done? We were not stealing for ourselves, we were hired by Crimson Dawn.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Beckett and Chewbacca, you have to go after them. What are you gonna do? Well, if we give all the coaxium to Enfys, we're gonna need something to buy our ship with.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
What? I'm not kidding. Okay. Okay, outlaw, you can tell yourself that, but I might be the only person in the whole galaxy who knows what you really are. Yeah. What's that?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Hey! I'm Chewie's friend, Han.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
He said your security attache can wait there. "Surely, we don't need him to negotiate."
Solo: A Star Wars Story
I'll say.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Mmm-mmm. Figure it's worth about 10,000, maybe enough for a decent buy-in.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Beckett, you have put me in a terrible position. I know, Dryden, and I am sorry. You're sorry? Dryden, there were complications. There were factors. Enfys Nest has been a constant irritation forever. It's one you should've anticipated, it's one you should've dealt with. Trust me, I know I made a mistake, but when you hired me, you told me no one else had this information... Test me!