Another one of these, huh? Looks that way. A buck's a buck. Yep.
Bachelor Party
- OK, who serves? - Your turn, Dad.
Bachelor Party
Yeah, right, well, um... here's the new address. There's been a change of plan. We're sending the girls to his house instead. - Oh, really? - Yeah, and, uh... here's a fifty.
Bachelor Party
All right! All right! I'll find out what's goin' on.
Bachelor Party
Attention, passengers. We are now leaving Nun Central on our journey to hell and beyond. The captain has turned off the No Smoking sign. You may now move about the cabin freely.
Bachelor Party
Parmesan. That's that meat with that cheese on it. See, I don't eat cheese. Gives me mucus. Clogs me up with phlegm. And butter, that's another thing. Clogs you up with snot. Please, we're in a hurry.
Bachelor Party
Thank you for being Catholic, and for choosing the St Gabriel school bus.
Bachelor Party
You see that out there? That, Rick, is my most prized possession. That's my new Porsche. Wow! Guys, can you see that car? Oh, that's beautiful! What a car!
Bachelor Party
Yes, yes, yes. Lean in a little more.
Bachelor Party
I love it! I love it! How you been? Oh, I couldn't be better. This is the best. This is great. I love this. This is the best. I'm having the best time. I love you guys! I love everybody! - How's your wife? - I hate her. I hate her guts.
Bachelor Party
Not one minute longer or Milt will come for you. Milt? This being Milt.
Bachelor Party
Good to see ya again.
Bachelor Party
Bachelor Party
Help! Rick!
Bachelor Party
Are we gonna have girls at our party?
Bachelor Party
She crawled up beside me Her smile terrified me And I was suffering in ecstasy - What the hell are you doing? - I'm slashing my wrists. - With an electric razor? - I couldn't find any razor blades. At least your wrists will be smooth and kissable. Give me this thing! What is the matter with you? Will you go out there and have some fun and have a few laughs, please?