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Rick, you promised me. You promised me you wouldn't make love to anybody else.
Bachelor Party
You'll love these shots. Thank you very much, Mrs Reeves. Have a nice day.
Bachelor Party
- Right in there. - The bedroom? Tracey's in the bedroom? You got it. - Tracey is in the bedroom? - Heaven awaits.
Bachelor Party
The second month, things calm down a little bit.
Bachelor Party
1003... Aha!
Bachelor Party
- Wait a minute. Does Cole know about this? - You went with him for two years! No. And he won't leave me alone.
Bachelor Party
He says he's having a wonderful time and thinking of changing his name to Spike.
Bachelor Party
Come on, just stay with me, guys. When a night gets dull, call in a pro.
Bachelor Party
Honey, the boys have something to discuss. Let's leave 'em alone for a minute, huh?
Bachelor Party
Rick! Mr Goldsmith, this is my brother-in-law. He's getting married.
Bachelor Party
Shit! Shit! Shit! All right, this is it.
Bachelor Party
Hey, screw you. Should! Should! Should!
Bachelor Party
Hey, let's talk.
Bachelor Party
God, this is beautiful. She reminds me of my wife. She was so young when we met.
Bachelor Party
I had a wiener right in my hand. I told you, men are pigs. I saw those swine just standing there.
Bachelor Party
Hey, you bastards! I'm gonna live!
Bachelor Party