Don't make any sudden moves. Hop inside my mouth if you want to live. Hop in your mouth? How does that make me live? Mine? Because I can take you to your son. - Yeah, right. - No. I know your son. He's orange with a gimpy fin on one side. - That's Nemo! - Aah! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Aah! Fasten your seat belts!
Finding Nemo
Nemo. Oh, my goodness. Gotcha! Keep down! Nemo! Daddy? Out with you! And stay out! Daddy? Fishy? Fishy! Wake up! Oh, no! To the top of Mount Wannahockaloogie! Why are you sleeping? - Hurry! - Bloat!
Finding Nemo
All right, let's see those pearly whites. Raah! I'm a piranha. They're in the Amazon. And a piranha's a fish, just like your present.
Finding Nemo
- He did it! - Yay! - I'm so happy! - Is he gonna be OK, Gill? Don't worry. All drains lead to the ocean. Fishy!
Finding Nemo
Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Whoo! Whoo-hoo! Ha ha ha ha!
Finding Nemo
- Aah! - Hold still! Nobody's going to hurt you! Oof!
Finding Nemo
Darla, sweetie, look out!
Finding Nemo
Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!
Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo
Crikey! All the animals have gone mad! Unh! Aaah! Get it out! - Smack her in the head! - Go, Gill, go! Fish in my hair! Gill! Sharkbait... tell your dad I said hi. - Unh! - Eww!
Finding Nemo
Too loud! Too loud for me! Twinkle, twinkle, little star Find a happy place! Find a happy place! Darla, your uncle will see you now.