What are you doing, Doctor Warren? Give me that. - No! - Sorry, wrong number! - Help me! I'm being held hostage. - It was an accident! I liked all of them and wish they were all alive. But there's nothing that I can do about that now. Wait, do you have packing tape? - What? Why? - Because I can't let you go. And I still need a lot of therapy.
The Voices
All right, let's go. No, no, no. You go inside, I'll wait here and watch the road.
The Voices
Tactical team on scene.
The Voices
First responders, clear. Bedroom, clear.
The Voices
Hey, we found a cat and a dog. - Call the animal shelter. - Are you okay?
The Voices
We believe he's in the bowling alley. You think he's armed? I don't know. Then we have to assume he is. Please don't hurt him. He's very ill. Our first priority is our own safety, Doctor.
That's good, Jerry. This will fool them, since you are bulletproof and invisible.
The Voices
Sneak out the back door. It's your favorite door, isn't it? It's the best I've got.
The Voices
Put me the fuck down, you goddamn psycho. I'll shit in your hand.
The Voices
The suspect's car is in the parking lot. - Here. Here. - I want you two on the right. Fan out and spread around the building. Cover all exits. All right, keep low, guys.
The Voices
Is this your brilliant escape plan, Jerry?
The Voices
I found a cat.
The Voices
We'll check on it. - Where did Jerry go? - He went in there. Suspect last seen in the bathroom.
The Voices
What are you gonna do to me? Nothing. Nothing. It's fine.