You see what I mean? But you have to do something about the body, Jer. What about the body? Well, some hiker stumbles across it, and pretty soon it's CSI: Milton. And guess whose hair and fiber and spit and blood are everywhere? Yours, Jerry. Go get rid of the fucking body, dipshit.
The Voices
I think you're right. Be good to get it off my chest.
The Voices
The Voices
The Voices
Maybe the best thing to do is just go to the cops and explain everything. Just tell them what happened?
The Voices
Crap. That's... That's right now, isn't it?
The Voices
Did you fuck the bitch?
The Voices
- Hey, Mr. Kowalski. - Call me Dennis. It's okay.
The Voices
Just wanted to say, we're very pleased. You're doing a great job. Thank you, Mr. Kowalski. That's what I told that lady from the courts. "A great job," I said. - She's your lawyer? - She's a court-appointed psychiatrist, Dennis. Thank you, for... Thank you for saying that. No problem. So, Jerry, the thing is, is Milton Fixtures, every year, has the company party. - A barbecue. - Okay. And we get one representative from each department to help put it on, usually the new guy. And the new guy in shipping is you.
The Voices
Hey, buddy. Bosco, what a day, what a day. I wish you could have been there.
The Voices
Do you have any questions for me, Jerry? Yeah. I got a big one for you.