Found 1292 results
Dude, what are you doing out here? Nothing! Just out for a walk.
Big Hero 6
Why is he wearing carbon fiber underpants?
Big Hero 6
Helps my pubescent mood swings.
Big Hero 6
- Yeah, but you really... - Uh...
Big Hero 6
I also know karate.
Big Hero 6
We're too late.
Big Hero 6
- Hiro? - No, no, no!
Big Hero 6
Your heart rate has increased dramatic... Shh! Okay, Baymax, time to use those upgrades.
Big Hero 6
You guys need to go. No, don't push us away, Hiro. We're here for you.
Big Hero 6
Your tiny robot is trying to go somewhere.
Big Hero 6
Get out of here! Go!
Big Hero 6
Is that Baymax?
Big Hero 6
There is a window.
Big Hero 6
All right, come on. I'm healthcare, your personal Baymax companion.
Big Hero 6
The applications for this tech are limitless. Construction.
Big Hero 6