Found 1292 results
My purpose is to heal the sick and injured. Baymax, open your access port.
Big Hero 6
Do you want me to terminate Professor Callaghan?
Big Hero 6
- My sensor is operational. - Good.
Big Hero 6
Baymax, find Callaghan.
Big Hero 6
You appear to be distressed.
Big Hero 6
Open your access!
Big Hero 6
This is, uh, Tadashi Hamada, and this is the 84th test.
Big Hero 6
The seventh test of my robotics project.
Big Hero 6
Wait, wait, wait, stop! Stop scan! Stop...
Big Hero 6
I'm not giving up on you.
Big Hero 6
Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!
Big Hero 6
- Hello, I am Baymax.
Big Hero 6
Tadashi is here.
Big Hero 6
What? Ooh, what?
Big Hero 6
- Get the mask. - Right behind you.
Big Hero 6
Yes. With some development, your tech could be revolutionary.
Big Hero 6