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This is a revenge story.
Big Hero 6
Callaghan blames Krei.
Big Hero 6
The pilot was Callaghan's daughter.
Big Hero 6
We've invited all these people...
Big Hero 6
With the pilot.
Big Hero 6
This beautiful new campus is the culmination of a lifelong dream.
Big Hero 6
But none of this would've been possible without a few bumps in the road.
Big Hero 6
I don't know. But the answer's here somewhere.
Big Hero 6
He was such a good man. What happened?
Big Hero 6
So, what are we waiting for?
Big Hero 6
You knew it wasn't ready!
Big Hero 6
Wait, wait! Stop.
Big Hero 6
It's all set up.
Big Hero 6
This won't change anything. Trust me, I know.
Big Hero 6
Baymax! Leaping into action!
Big Hero 6
Callaghan? He was there?
Big Hero 6