Again. Oh. I, uh, stayed late for study group, as usual. Wait!
Wish Dragon
["Endless Sky" by Wendy Wang, Katherine Ho, and Kenton Chen plays] ♪ Sticks and stones, in secret codes We speak a language all our own ♪ ♪ We hide and seek I follow where you go ♪ ♪ Your heart is magic Pure and tragic ♪ ♪ Just like mine, but you can have it ♪ -♪ Now until forever, not alone ♪ -[Li Na and Din laughing] ♪ Paint your dreams on an endless sky ♪ -I'm gonna get you! -♪ See the world dancing in your eyes ♪ -Which one? -This one.
Wish Dragon
Trust me.
Wish Dragon
Wait, what? The tea is ready?
Wish Dragon
Wish Dragon
What's happening? Welcome, LongZhu. -What's going on? Where am I? -Congratulations. Your service as a Wish Dragon is complete. Complete? I haven't finished. I haven't finished my tenth master. You have put the needs of another before yourself and shown us that you understand the meaning of life. You are now free to enter the spirit world.
Wish Dragon
What? [wind whistling] Din, I'll grant your wish.
Wish Dragon
Let me guess.
Wish Dragon
I'm Li Na.
Wish Dragon
[Li Na and Din crying]
Wish Dragon
-I can't do love. -What? No, Long, it's not-- Couple of rules. I can't time travel, I can't kill, and it pains me to inform you, not really, I can't make people fall in love with you. No, no, no, it's not like that, Long. She's my best friend. That's my wish.
Wish Dragon
Eyes ahead, Na Na.
Wish Dragon
They have parades in heaven? [Long sighs] My point is there's a simple solution to every problem in the world. Including yours. Use it.
Wish Dragon
…I miss you. What? -[gasps] Oh no! -[fabric rips] Oh, gosh. Um… -Hold on, I can fix this. -[rips] Oh, come on.