I can't breathe. What the hell are you doing? - I saw this in a movie once. - Stop, Big Momma! - Here are the tongs. - Is that sterilized? Oh, yeah. I used WD-40 and some Easy Off on it. Big Momma, we're not frying a chicken! Give me this plunger. Here we go.
Big Momma's House
Sure. I don't see why not. - Come on, Malcolm. I've never been fishing. - Never?
Big Momma's House
He loves it out here. It's a great place to grow up. You should know that.
Big Momma's House
Freeze! Surprise!
Big Momma's House
Big Momma'll be here.
Big Momma's House
Oh, my damn!
Big Momma's House
Well, I'm...
Big Momma's House
You just put me on the spot today, Reverend. I really wasn't expectin' this, Reverend. Well, let's see. - You know what to say. - Come on with it.
Big Momma's House
You know, the Lord got me to thinking the other day that maybe it's time that I stopped preaching and started listening!
Big Momma's House
- Here. Let's dry you off. - So what about it, child? You in trouble? Is there something you wanna tell Big Momma?
Big Momma's House
I see you're a man of great taste. Need anything else? Laptop? Cameras? AK-47? Stereos? Rolex?
Big Momma's House
You went to all this trouble to try to catch me in a lie and you were the one being dishonest.
Big Momma's House
I've come here today to ask for understanding.
Big Momma's House
Oh, my word! Yes.
Big Momma's House
What the hell are you doing, Nolan? Y'all sure went through a lotta trouble for Big Momma. You know, that's rare these days. So much else to do that you forget about people. - Big Momma is here. - What you talking about? - She's back. The real Big Momma is back. - Damn!
Big Momma's House
- How you doin', Sherry? - Here to empty out the septic tank? You got jokes. No. Actually, I was in the neighborhood, so I was just stopping by. Malcolm, you ever gone fishing? Oh, yeah. I fish in the neighborhood all the time. Yeah, I know a thing or two.
Big Momma's House
See, Sherry, I like to make sure that my food is properly lubricated. It goes down easier that way.