Found 899 results
I'm breathing fresh air.
Suicide Squad
Bitch, I'm having a drink.
Suicide Squad
The chance to be a father.
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
- I had hope. - (SCOFFS)
Suicide Squad
Yo, slick. What's up?
Suicide Squad
What? I want that. She trying to play games with you, man. - It's not real! - He's right. It's not real.
Suicide Squad
And then I met June.
Suicide Squad
GRACE: Miss me?
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
I can't change what I did. And neither can you! He married me! (CHUCKLES SOFTLY) It's not real. I killed the Bat. Nah, homie. You don't want that.
Suicide Squad
DEADSHOT: You gonna fight with us? What if I lose control? Then maybe we'll have a chance.
Suicide Squad
Hey, everyone can see all this trippy magic stuff, right? Yeah. Why? I'm off my meds.
Suicide Squad
You know, we should get a drink sometime.
Suicide Squad
How long have you been able to see?
Suicide Squad
Lot of believers, no proof.
Suicide Squad
I got your back.
Suicide Squad
JUNE: Baby. Baby.
Suicide Squad