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Some 7,000.
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And yet I do not see your fat tweedy dead when I look out upon the battlefield. We're out of money. My point.
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You fought hard for this war and your husband is at the front of it.
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SARAH: Mrs. Meg, brandy.
The Favourite
ANNE: Sarah! I'm here. I'm here.
The Favourite
I'm not quite following.
The Favourite
The Favourite
SARAH: Tell me a story.
The Favourite
- ANNE: Don't leave me! - SARAH: I won't.
The Favourite
- What has happened? - I would like to go back to my room now.
The Favourite
SARAH: Anne?
The Favourite
But gainful employment is on offer should I need it. GODOLPHIN: Abigail did this?
The Favourite
SARAH: Apologies regarding sending Abigail in my stead. ANNE: She was perfectly darling. Hildebrand really took to her. Is that a rabbit?
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There's a simple explanation I'm not seeing.
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What an outfit.
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