- Is that for us? - That's for us. - That whole line's for us? - Can you believe that? Oh, my God! Alright, so, I guess we gotta cook some food. - We gotta cook some food. - Alright, so you good with prep? - Yes, sir. - We're gonna get through this. - You ready? - I'm ready, boss. - OK. Buy me five minutes. - Yes, sir. Could you give us five minutes, please? Five minutes. We'll be right there in five more minutes. Got everything... Plancha's... Everything's hot. - Oil's hot. You got everything ready. - Yes, sir. You are a superstar! - You are a superstar. - Thank you. Thank you, sir. Oh! And how'd you get that crowd? You got a huge crowd outside. I didn't. I just came back from shopping, there was this long line. - I thought it was a mistake. - I tweeted it. - You what? - What'd you do?
I like New Orleans. I like New Orleans too. - Somebody ate my body. - I didn't brush my teeth. This is what happens to you when you don't brush your teeth. - Dude, dude! Where were you, man? - What? I went shopping. - You went shopping? - I called you, man. I texted you. - We got beignets. - Where the hell were you? - You got beignets? I've been calling. - We got some beets for the truck. - Why didn't you answer your phone? - My phone was on vibrate. - You put your phone on vibrate. - Chill out. What's the big... - I'm sorry. - Chill out? Just take a look. Take a look. Please take a look.
- So, what else you gotta buy? - Nothing. Not anything for work? Nope. - Really? - Nah. Just wanted to get some beignets with you. Cool.
Here we go. Eat it slow. You're never gonna have your first beignet ever again. Pretty cool. - It's cool, right? You like it? - Mm-hm. They don't taste like this anywhere else in the world.
You ever heard of Café Du Monde? Is this the beignet place?
We're going to Café Du Monde.
Oh, oh! - Oh, man. - Mmm! Mmm. We should get some sliders. - Wow. - We should do sliders, man. - Oh, my God. - We get some King's Hawaiian bread. - Mm-hm. - Pickle, barbecue sauce. What if we swapped this out for the pork in the media noche? - What do you think about that? - Swap this for the pork shoulder? - Make, like, an Austin Midnight. - I like that. - That's hot. I like that. - That is hot, baby. Let me get one more of these. You should check this out. - Just let me cut right through. - Mmm. - Save it, dog. - I know. We're gonna save it. - Use it all up, man. - I'll give you half. - Know you can't eat your own supply. - Put it away after this.
You ready? We drove a long way for these.
I tweeted the picture on your account and then geotagged it. Look. Wait, man, you did... you did what? You geo... I tagged it so they can mark us on their maps. Look at those pictures. How'd you... What'd you... - These pictures are from here. - Mm-hm. How'd you get those pictures from here? When I was going to Café Du Monde. - And you put it online? - Mm-hm. You're a genius, kid. You're the reason everybody's here. You know that? You're my new head of marketing. Thank you. Alright, so, I'm gonna hit the chalkboard. You walk him through the prep on the po' boys and get the plancha going. Yes, Chef. Yes, Chef. Jefecito. You butter the plancha, son, alright? I got this. Percy, look. Whoo! Yes, sir.
Single file, y'all. Right here. 0-8? There you go. Thank you very much. Napkins are down there. - Another beignet coming up. - Hang on a second. - Number seven. - There you go, two more. Cubano coming up. Hang on, one second. He's my kid. He's just learning. - Put you on the Twitter? - Watch your back. That's my kid. He did all that. - More beignets. - How's that po' boy coming? - It's coming up with shrimp. - Alright. It's worth the wait, I promise.
- Hey, Aaron. - What's up, Carl? - How you doing? - How you doing? Driving all night. Doing good. - You still got the stuff? - Let's do it. Oh. He's got the stuff. - What is this place? - This is Texas OG barbecue. These guys gotta stay up all night and stoke those fires low and slow.
- Hey, Benji. - Hey. - We got here as fast as we could. - Hopefully we're still good. - You got anything for me? - Gotta check with the man. - In the back. - OK, thanks. What's up, killer?
- Wait a second. - Gonna make... - Right, Dad? - See you next week. - Put that thing away. - So I'm the nanny? Here we go.
Oh, shit.
Come on, get in. Arroz con pollo. I think I missed the exit.